Friday, September 27, 2013

Milk Shares Available!

The lovely Mrs. Rachel the Jersey Cow had her calf two weeks ago and the milk is coming in strong!
Being her first calf, she has had to learn how to be milked and she is doing great at understanding the whole process. We have had manly LONG talks about the need to stand still, the need to keep her right let back, and most importantly the absolute necessity to NEVER kick!  I will admit, there were times that I thought neither of us would ever see the Promised Land of organized milking but we have made some great break-throughs in the last few days. 
Here is Mrs. Rachel. 
And here is her beautiful heifer calf enjoying the shade of the trunk of a Maple Tree.

In Tennessee, the law says that you must buy a share of the cow in order to get raw milk. I will sell you a share for $50 and that buys you in. Then, you pay a monthly fee of $40 for the care, feeding, milkiing, and upkeep of the cow. That entitles you to 1 gallon of fresh milk every week. If you want more than one gallon, then you can buy more shares. 

Let me know if you are interested and I can send you the contract to let you check it out and/ or answer any other questions you may have. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Ladies are Here!

Early yesterday morning, I loaded up in the truck and with a rented trailer behind me, I headed for West Tennessee. On the way, I picked up my parents in Lebanon and after 5 hours of driving, we ended up in Selmer, TN. Selmer is close to Memphis and only 20 minutes from Mississippi. Quite the haul!  There I met up with a guy that I had been corresponding with for about a week. His father had passed away last month and he was helping sell a lot of the farm animals and equipment for his mother. 
Included in those animals was these 2 beauties. 

They are Jersey cows. The Jersey breed is know for some of the best milk out there.  Later this week I will start selling shares of these cows in order to supply fresh, delicious milk for the folks around here. So stay tuned!